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Favorite Reporter

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hello Room Service? - I would like the Mister Noodle please

So another curling season comes to an end. While there is still curling on TV (I think all televised curling should be banned after the Masters), the season is essentially over. I neatly folded my curling clothes, put them in the back of a closet and will not open until September.

This season was a little different than most. And this one definitely leaves me hungrier for next season. Previous seasons essentially ended for me in January – once provincial playdowns had ended. That left 3-4 months of playing without any real purpose (unless I was playing in the Mixed). And too often I would spend the spring contemplating team changes – trying to figure out the magic mix that would help me get to the Brier. But not this year! Because…

Team Fournier is back for Next Year

2017-1018 was a very interesting season for Team Fournier.

Some season highlights/lowlights:
  • Will accidentally breaking Felix's sliding crutch at Baie d'Urfé. Felix was a new level of mad. NOt sure why that was so funny, but still can't think about it without laughing.
  • Will got to play in the K4K CELEBRITY tournament on Easter weekend. Still waiting to hear the stories about that one.
  • Showing up late to play Tiger Larouche in Val d'Or because we forget to check the draw, and then giving up a 4 in the 1st end. 
  • Staying in the single cheapest motel in Sorel that I have ever stayed in. For those who think the life of a Tier 2 curler is all posh hotels and room service...here is where we stayed (it actually looks way better in the picture than real life): 

(Room service was the owner offering to sell us a Mr. Noodle for 5$. 
The TV was a 27 inch, that only had a porn channel (or at least that's all I watched). 
The heating was set at a balmy 10 degrees C. 
At least the curtains matched the bedspread.  
All for 69$ per night. Cash - no tax.)

  • And there was another highlight...what was it again? 

Our team will be back next year to defend our Quebec title, with the same 4 dudes. Looking forward to another season of struggling to balance life, curling and everything in between with these guys.

We have changed coaches, with Ben Forget filling in for Michel St-Onge who is taking a well-earned retirement transforming our dysfunctional butts into a championship-winning team. Big thanks to Michel for everything, not only this season but for all the years he has worked to help me believe that I could win. I am forever grateful.

A lot of people to thank for this Year:

Glenmore Curling Club:  It was so moving to have the membership come out in such large numbers to support us. Made me truly proud to be at Glenmore, and so happy that I could win the title at home. Will never forget the feeling of walking into the clubhouse from the ice after winning. Great curling clubs tend to feel more like a big family than a sporting club, and nowhere is this more true than Glenmore.

Lachine Curling Club: Was also moved to have my former curling club and home for my first 25 years of curling support our team at the Brier. I always have to wipe away the nostalgia every time I walk into the building, and was so touched that they helped my team as well. Special thanks to Glenn Tester.

Our Sponsors: Injection Classique (thanks Marc Don!), and Grant Warren. Thanks for your support. And especially our main sponsor – our friends at Hardline who have helped me and my teams for a number of years, and might be the only guys as happy as I was that I was going to the Brier. Look forward to continuing to working with them for years to come!

We do still have space on our jacket for next season, if anyone is looking to be associated with a whimsical and entertaining curling squad! Here are some natural suggestions for product placement opportunities:
  • Baby Gap (would be an awesome clothing sponsor for Felix)
  • Harmonicas (how many people play the harmonica anymore other than JF?)
  • Crown Royal (would accept sponsorship in kind), the unofficial drink of Team Fournier
  • Beard Shampoo
  • Tinder
  • Any show about Horses
  • Mister Noodle 
So many marketing opportunities!

But seriously, if you are looking for some exposure and name recognition – reach out to me. Competitive curling is an expensive pastime, and any support is greatly appreciated. Also, our newfound popularity following the Brier allows you to get some decent notoriety for your company at a relatively low price. Plus you get mentioned in my Blog!!!


Kurling For Kids update
Kurling for Kids was once again a huge success. We raised $310,000 to help out the Montreal Children’s and St-Justine’s hospitals, and continue to raise funds (you can still donate here for another few weeks!). It was a massive amount of fun – and is a great cause. Still trying to figure out how my daughter managed to curl a solid 70% at while putting 18 rotations on her rock.   

A BIG THANK YOU to all who donated either thanks to my blog or through me directly. I am truly touched by the generosity of both people that I have known for years and people who I have never had the pleasure of meeting. I can assure you that your donation went to a great cause, and thank you.
Special thanks to Bernard at Glenmore who massively overpaid for a Mike Fournier Brier shirt, and special thanks to Kevin, Grant and Faisal who helped jack up the price!